
Photo Credit: chickenpants - absolutely small.Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA.
Photo Credit: chickenpants – absolutely small.
Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA.

High strung shivering ninnies.
Their DNA closer to a rat
than a real, warm your feet and heart, dog.
Always predictably ridiculously aggressive.
Biting ankles, beady eyed, ear scratchers.
You’re as fierce as a bowl of pudding.
Run and hide, shaking behind the couch.
Or cower in your own puddle of yellow.
Your repetitive high-pitched yapping only draws
attention to your innately inferior nature.
Take your small-statured, Napoleon complex,
thin-skinned self, off to an island,
far far far away.
Go live with other useless creatures
like centipedes and scorpions.

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