Free Thing of the Week: Gomel, 1986

This week we go to Chernobyl.

This music challenge marked the first collaboration between Naviar’s community and Food of War, an international art collective that explores the direct relationship between conflict and food, and how these two influence each other.

To commemorate the 31th anniversary of Chernobyl, international art collective Food of War organized a massive art installation called Clouded Lands to raise awareness of the long-lasting effects of the disaster. They were joined by Naviar Records who enlisted several sound artists to recreate sounds, atmospheres and moods of the areas affected by the disaster.

Thus was born Gomel, 1986. This release comes from the actual soundtrack for that installation. It is by turns somber, wistful, beautiful, and eerie — even more than one might expect from such an experiment in memory and erasure.

Download Gomel, 1986 from The Seattle Star..
Download from Naviar Records.

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