This is the last night
before everything turns over.
The bizarre world begins—
ok, it seems that way
to me, to us.
I mean, to where,
you can draw a diagram—
he has the United States
inside the circumference of his head
or very nearly so, I’m afraid
because in practical terms
power becomes logic.
an opinion becomes legitimized
by the strongman’s approval,
rejected by his scorn.
Is this strongman, then, a wizard
of kindness and compassion?
Hardly. His followers adore him
because he defames and punishes
people and groups whom they resent
or fear.
What is out there on
the fringes of minds, beyond
the memes about Jewish space lazers,
liberals performing vile rites of pedophilia?
I don’t know. I don’t want to go there.
The billionaires and politicos
have gone to pay homage,
the throngs of followers
are arriving for the coronation.
What do we do
who do not want
to live inside the head
of that man?
We have four years
to figure it out.
If we haven’t done so yet,
we’d better get started.