We are the compassionate ones.
We believe in kindness.
We believe in Love.
We believe that when we fall asleep,
we dissolve in a common Ocean,
and our waking lives are
the conscious path to that Ocean.
But on waking each day,
what we find
is not that easy
to feel One with.
Can we agree about
a bright blue sky
and green hills
on a spring day?
Can we agree
that laughter
with, not at,
is good for the spirit?
There, we have two
points in common.
Can we agree
that every child
deserves a fair chance?
That every citizen
deserves food, clothing,
medicine and a home,
that every skin color
is equally beautiful to God,
who has no favorite religion,
no favorites at all except
the kind, the selfless, the oppressed?
Are we even anywhere near a majority,
we who are passionate that our world
must improve upon “dog eat dog?”
My world is shattered
most every day, and I go back
inside myself to restore it.
I have not the power
nor the strength to heal
the world,,
only to keep returning
to that Center.
But each time I emerge,
it is with new and absolute trust
that Love will prevail.