Until Further Notice

Until further notice, the life we were living is on hold.
Until further notice, we will not gather in the marketplace
except when absolutely necessary to stock up on provisions.
Until further notice, we will not meet in groups
at theaters, restaurants, libraries, coffeehouses, or sporting events.
Until further notice, many of us will not go to our jobs.
Until further notice, the thin thread of habit that creates continuity
for many of us, will not be there to follow on our daily rounds.
Until further notice, I won’t be able to delude myself into thinking I’m 35 years old!
Until further notice, “something” invisible haunts the (now wider) spaces between us.
Until further notice, we’ll all be contemplating life and death more.
Until further notice, human beings everywhere are truly all in this together.

Until further notice, many of the things that were always true, but so often
got pushed to the background by busy schedules, distractions, responsibilities, and denial,
will be living with us in our homes, our minds,

and hopefully, our hearts.

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