From this song towards the eternity
a long way by a jungle
of merciless eyes over my lyric
spewing venom and scorn
they will fall over you like birds of prey
they won’t leave a word
will puke over any of your verses
will tear from you a couple of chords
and after a few years
they will give us a truce
admitting this poor spawn…
Where will you be, beloved creature
when your legitimate father be tried
and thrown to the basement of silenced voices?
Nowhere is safe:
neither the surface of a sheet of paper
nor inside of a magnetic tape
nor the spiral of little mirrors on a plastic disk
in this storm of knives
the time makes splinters of the fallen tree
fading the message and sound away
in the fireplace into oblivion
but you will survive me, song,
you will take the night road
into the underground of the fameless,
and at the end of the tangled tunnel
a fresh and renewed light
will rescue you from the rubble