Photo: Movie-Fan, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 .
and rita said
the heavens are divided first
meaningfully dropping the film’s title
in her last words to her fiancé
before the iron curtain came down
so hard between them
on the screen she marveled
at the glass and cellophane
the storefronts and restaurants of west berlin
while i marveled
at her state-assigned train factory job
and the teachers’ college she a ends tuition-free
taken seriously where she works and studies
in this bizarre place with no unemployment
no wonder she went back
even without manfred
the heavens stood divided
between the germanies
but here they are fractured
into countless skies
one for salaried professionals
another for unemployed youth
one for middle-class home-makers
another for working single mothers
freedom from want from fear
rita had these and i am jealous
sometimes they seem to be
in another sky