Weekly E-Book: Dreesha – Glimpses of Qatar

Photo by Saleh al Khulaifi.Licensed CC-BY-NC-ND.
Photo by Saleh al Khulaifi.
Licensed CC-BY-NC-ND.

This week we go to Qatar to discover our weekly ebook.

In the news lately because of its big kerfaffle with FIFA about allegations of corruption in the 2022 World Cup draw, Qatar is a country little understood by Americans. Editor Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar began the “Qatar Narratives” anthology series in 2007 as an experiment to give citizens and residents of Qatar an opportunity to share their views about the modernization of the country. Two essay anthologies appeared before this third anthology of short photo-essays.

Dreesha: Glimpses of Qatar is, in the words of its editors, “an attempt to share the unique voices of Qatar with the world.”

Dreesha, which means “window” in Qatari dialect, provides a glimpse into the multiethnic population that calls Doha home through a series of breathtaking photographs and commentaries from the photographers.

As stated by the editors of Dreesha, “each photo-essay is a personal view of Qatar that highlights the mystery of the ordinary.” Because of its distinctly paper-bound layout, it is difficult to convert into an EPUB. Therefore we give you the original PDF, because, really, you shouldn’t miss this one.

Download the PDF here.

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