Humankind has always looked to the stars as its own destiny. For this reason, indefatigable and willful, it has always climbed the highest peaks to get as close as possible. It knows that’s impossible, but it has the courage to try the same. This is written in the sign: the capricorn.
Go Ask Alice, about their new album, Ten Little Dreams (And One Bonus Nightmare)
We’ve been straight schluffin’ on getting Free Things to you, but we are back, and the next few weeks will get us — and you — back in the groove.
Here’s a music video from the new album by dreamy Italian band Go Ask Alice. We were big fans of their first release Perfection is Terrible. Their latest release, Ten Little Dreams (And One Bonus Nightmare) is even better. Like a luscious cross between Neu! and Terry Riley with a modern bent, this is good stuff. If you like this, why not download their whole album, either from Bandcamp or Internet Archive?
Get on it. We’ll be back with more soon.