Free Thing of the Week: Have You Got What It Takes to Be a Kid?

Here’s a short quiz:

Got What It Takes to Be a Kid? Take the QUIZ and find out!

January 24, 2017

#1 – What is the difference between a shirt and a napkin?

  1. One is a thing that I wipe my hands on when they’re covered in food, and the other is a napkin.
  2. I wear one and lay the other across my lap during meals.
  3. I cannot think of a difference.

#2 – If I told you that you could only have one of these cereals, which one would you like to have?

  1. Reasonable Bran
  2. Frosted Cinnamon Chocolate Sugar Berries
  3. I really shouldn’t, I’m having brunch with Diane at 10
  4. Yummy Yummy Honey Bunnies

What did you wear on your feet the last time you went outside to play?

  1. Shoes, sandals, or bare feet
  2. Socks. Not inside shoes; just socks. Right out there in the dirt and the water, just socks, again.

If you answered correctly (see answers here), well… You may be an adult, but maybe — just maybe — you’ve still got what it takes to be a kid!

And so, just for you, we bring back Mike Phirman’s series, Have You Got What It Takes to be a Kid? With the release of his latest album, Songs to Sing at Children, including only four of the tracks from the original series, we wanted to make sure that M. Phirman’s unique genius for skits didn’t go unappreciated.

For a full dose of how it all works live, you can watch M. Phirman administer his quiz to a group of children at JoCo 2019.

This little EP is different. It features M. Phirman going to different locations and talking with different people from toddlers to elderly and seeing if they’ve got what it takes to be kids. The results may surprise you.

Fair warning: this is very, very silly stuff. But, since you’ve got what it takes to be a kid, you already knew that and you appreciate it just the same.

Download Mike Phirman’s Have You Got What It Takes to Be a Kid? – The Series here.

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