Free Thing of the Week:Seattle Star Creative Commons Jazz Mixtape #6

It’s been awhile but our intrepid jazz-loving publisher has been scouring the scorched earth and has now returned with this, the sixth of our all-Creative-Commons jazz mixtapes from The Seattle Star. Like our others, it’s designed to fit on a 90 minute tape from Radio Shack. Since Americans are hated everywhere and can hardly travel until they return to their senses, why not take a musical trip around the world instead? Catalonia, Argentina, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Croatia, Brazil, and the US of A are all on the itinerary this time.

Give it to your jazz-loving friends. Give it to your jazz-hating friends. As the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation encourages us all, share and enjoy!

Check out the sixth of our all-jazz, all-free, all-Creative Commons mixtapes on Mixcloud here!

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Except where otherwise noted, the content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.