Bring only good intentions:
volumes of the past
too thick to burn
too dead to resurrect
Approach with gentle touch
feet securely anchored on clean swept floor
voice set for coaxing
Experiment with the thickness
of the feed: a single sheet
whines for something more solid
anything fatter than a pancake
halts all progress
Listen for the growl of satisfaction
Paper cuts are a potential hazard
Band Aids are on the shelf behind you
Think horizontal
Insert documents to match the wide grinned teeth
Cradling that larger portion of your life in the less dominant arm
a swift back-hand-flick-of-the-wrist works an easy feed
Find your rhythm
Allow the cut to drop and fall before introducing new
REMEMBER: You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t necessary
Should the shredder refuse to drop & congest at back of machine
press red triangle on your right, turning machine
off before proceeding to press shavings
through hole in the back of the laminate counter—
BEWARE of sharp steel edge at back of machine
When bag nears full, compress shredding
to create room for new material
Whatever you do, keep an upright posture
Do not stoop over feed which may be hungry for
long hair, ties, scarves, jewelry
Follow all instructions: never use reverse