How Do We “Package” Peace? Can We Make It Palatable? A Review of Peace Plays
Can peace come off the shelf? Gary Corseri reviews Peace Plays by Johan Galtung, Vitahl Rajan, and S. P. Udayakumar.
Duels: A Script by Nick Stokes
The Star gets back to drama by bringing you the original script for Nick Stokes’s currently running play, Duels, now playing at 12th Avenue Arts.
Frost at Midnight: The Lost Poem (A Play)
In this verse play by Gary Corseri, Robert Frost attempts to exorcise his demons by writing a poem, but is confronted by Carol, the son lost to him by suicide.
A dramatic script by Nick Stokes, originally produced at 14/48 Projects in January 2012.
The Ghastly Impermanence: Poets and the Poetry of Radio Drama
It makes perfect sense that a culture whose most powerful public mass medium was radio should value the spoken word highly. Poets themselves were well aware of this quality of radio. It would take awhile, however, before poets began to write especially for the medium itself.
The Obstacle of Technique
Two great obstacles to a wider appreciation of audio drama face new listeners at every turn. The first is the lack of a real critical history. The greater obstacle, however, is not what has not been written but rather what has.

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