Immanuel Kant’s House Graffitied by Philsophical Hooligans
I. Kant imagine such vandalism.
Outgoing City Councilmember Rasmussen Announces Opposition to Municipal Broadband Plan
Councilmember Tom Rasmussen takes on Ed Murray one last time.
Universal Newborn Genome Sequencing and Generation Alpha
Imagine the day that genome sequencing of all newborns begins. Ricki Lewis contemplates.
Debtors Fight Back at Up-From-Debt Summit
Hundreds of working people crowded a Seattle union hall to seek an end to the nation’s debt crisis. Tim Wheeler reports.
Mapping the Sneakernet
Digital media travels hand to hand, phone to phone across vast cartographies invisible to Big Data. An Xiao Mina writes.
Betting the Farm on a Lie
Estate tax critics never let facts get in the way of a good story. Josh Hoxie reports.

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