Objects in Motion: An Interview with Animator Tess Martin
Cole Hornaday talks with experimental animator Tess Martin about her work with SEAT and her part in the upcoming film, Barzan.
Labor Intensive: A Visit with Playwright Vincent Delaney
The consensus is clear: Not only is Delaney a unique storytelling voice, he works his ass off and he works his ass off through a method many pay lip service to but few genuinely grasp: collaboration.
Exit Interview: Teri Lazzara, Theater Schmeater’s Managing Director, is heading for the wings
Once referred to as “Fringe’s Patron Saint,” Teri Lazzara has been one of the most enduring (if not endearing) figures in the Seattle Fringe community for longer than even she’d like to admit, lending her acting, producing, directing and management talents to some of its finer moments.
Sandbox Radio IV: The Chase
With its delicate balance of music, pathos and humor Sandbox Radio’s director Leslie Law does much to honor radio programming of the past kept familiar by the likes of Prairie Home Companion, but this project brings to its audience so much more. Sandbox Radio pulls nary a punch and for many answers the question of what, precisely, audio theater will sound like in the future?
Straight from the Can: Tin Can Studio serves up food for the soul and then some
In keeping with her art’s humble origins, Hayes and her husband Michael White Hayes drew their new art space’s moniker from a similar pool. “We were very deliberate about choosing the name Tin Can Studio. A tin can is a simple, common thing but it’s a very useful invention,” says Hayes. “It revolutionized the way people feed themselves. Tin Can Studio is like that tin can because art feeds people’s souls.”
Bushwick Book Club Seattle watches the Watchmen
One of the marvelous things about the Seattle arts community is its literary heart. Few environments can boast of lit-driven ensembles like Book-It Reparatory Theater and the Bushwick Book Club Seattle. Beginning in 2010, Bushwick members have taken great risk in drawing musical inspiration from written works deeply entrenched in the popular consciousness, if not the personal mythology, of its audience.

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