This Week in Performance: Week of July 25, 2014
The summertime productions do not stop rolling in, despite all of the recent controversy surrounding local productions, in particular, the Dance scene comes on strong this week after a seemingly quiet interlude. José Amador leads you through the numerous offerings.
This Week in Performance: Week of July 11, 2014
With temperatures already reaching the upper 80’s
in early July, we have every indication that the proverbial dog days of Summer will be a lengthy period this year. There won’t be a shortage of entertainment options, however, and this weekend provides Shakespeare galore, Serge Gainsbourg inspired dance, improv based on the mob genre and more. José Amador leads you through it all
Backstage on the Cabiri’s new show, Tewaz
Joe Iano and Omar Willey team up to take you backstage as The Cabiri prepare the most ambitious show in the history of Seattle’s aerial arts.
This Week in Performance: Week of May 29, 2014
José Amador rounds up the stage happenings for the week.
The Pleasures of a WTH Moment: BOOST Weekend Two
Some thoughts about the BOOST Dance Festival’s two weekends of performances.
Dancing Life
It’s not a dog’s life, but a dancer’s life can be difficult. Lola Peters gathers some helpful hints for dancers and audiences.
BOOST Weekend One: The Theme of Dreams
Thoughts on the first weekend of the BOOST Dance Festival.
From the land of ice and snow: House of Thee Unholy
Omar Willey visits the House of the Unholies at The Triple Door and ponders their Led Zeppelin burlesque revival.
This Week in Performance: Weekend of January 17th, 2014
The week ahead in notable performances.
The Clay Duke: Theme and Variations
Thoughts about Dayna Hanson’s latest theatrical dance piece at On the Boards.

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